Common Questions about working with Dr. Charles Edelman:   (click question links below)

 What is your approach?
I am an integrative therapist, and I use all the main methods as required. I ask about the client's goals and then together we assess what method or combination of methods will be most effective to reach them. I assist people with personal growth, self-awareness, coping skills, managing stress, human relations and personal problems.
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 Do you just listen and not say much?
I adapt my approach to the requirements of the individual client. Most clients have a desire for me to engage with them.
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 Do you give practical advice?
When appropriate. In some cases giving advice discourages the client from taking charge of his/her own decisions.
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 Are you able to estimate the number of sessions the client will need?
Even with all the experience I have, it is impossible to be sure how many sessions it will take, especially after just one session. Sometimes I have thought something would take quite some time and it took only a few sessions; and the other way around. It is important to realize if the client takes an active role in the healing process, it likely will take less time for therapy.
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 Have you been through therapy yourself?
Yes. In depth personal therapy forms an integral part of the training which I have done.
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 How long is your therapy "hour"?
50-55 minutes.
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 Do you charge for the session if the client does not give 48 hours notice of cancellation?
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 Are there risks of not getting Counselling when I need it?
It is healthy to look at the cost-benefit-risk factors when considering counselling. To do so, consider what the potential life cost would be if you do not get the help you need at this time.
There are some questions you may ask yourself:
  • Is it possible that my personal health could suffer? Could I experience an increase in anxiety, stress, or burnout?
  • Is it possible that my relationships could suffer? Could I lose my partner, family, or friends?
  • Is it possible that I could lose my job, or that much desired promotion? Would this impact my financial status?
  • Is it possible that I could find myself struggling with addictions or using other unhealthy means to cope with the situation?
  • When considering the reality of what possibly could happen, counselling can prove to be a rather reasonably priced option to otherwise more severe challenges upon ones health, relationships, and career. Counselling should be considered as an investment in yourself. Remember, you are worth investing in.

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 How Much Does Counselling Cost?
A day-time counselling session with Dr. Charles Edelman is $150.00 per counseling "hour". Charles does counsel some evenings. Call (403) 313-1312 for further inquiries.
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 How is payment made?
By cheque or cash at each session, except for the monthly rate, which is paid monthly in advance.
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 I'm a business owner. Can counselling expenses be covered through my business?
As a business owner you may have several options to choose from, depending upon your coverage and the type of service requested. Your sessions could perhaps be declared as a personal development expense. Such coverage is not guaranteed, however, as it largely depends upon your line of business and current legislation. For such matters you should always consult qualified professionals such as an accountant and tax advisor.
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 Can Counselling Costs Be Reimbursed?
Your insurance/health/medical policy is a private contract between the company and yourself, not between the company and the counsellor. Therefore, reimbursement is the sole responsibility of the client. Reimbursement is never guaranteed as it largely depends upon what your insurance policy is willing to cover. At your request, you will be given a receipt that may be used for your reimbursement requests.
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 How late do you work in the evening?
The last appointment starts at 5:00 p.m.
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 Does Dr. Charles Edelman issue Counselling Gift Certificates?
Yes. Those who wish to offer Counselling Gift Certificates to a family member or friend can order them directly by calling (403)313-1312
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